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Finn Sködt

DENMARK 1944 - 2019

Finn Sködt trained as a graphic artist at the Graphic Insti­tute of Denmark, Copen­hagen. After spend­ing some time at the Aarhus Academy of Fine Arts, he worked with textile design, graphic design, paint­ing, sculp­ture, and color compo­si­tion from his home and work­shop in Helgenæs, Denmark. Sködt was renowned for his excep­tional ability to find and blend colors. He created uphol­stery and curtain textiles for Kvadrat in the early 1980s, favor­ing trans­par­ent colors and inspired by his multi-disciplinary background. 

The style of his graphic art, as well as his textiles, are pure and aesthetic and often feature his favorite color: Ultra­ma­rine blue, as seen in the Kvadrat fabric collec­tion, Divina Mélange 3.

Designs by Finn Sködt (3)