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Patricia Urquiola


World-renowned designer Patri­cia Urquiola has already left a profound mark on the indus­try, and her prolific career is still cata­pult­ing ahead at full-speed. The Spanish designer’s eye for bril­liant color and strik­ing, sinuous forms turns her furni­ture, product, and inte­rior designs into instant hits. Her expert under­stand­ing of compo­si­tion, mate­r­ial, and form has garnered her commis­sions from the world’s most esteemed manu­fac­tur­ers, includ­ing Agape, Alessi, B&B Italia, Bisazza, Flos, Foscarini, Glas Italia, Kartell, Kvadrat, and Moroso. Pieces like her amor­phous Bend sofa for B&B Italia reveal her talent for creat­ing instantly eye-catch­ing furni­ture that is also extremely invit­ing and human-centric.

Urquiola was born in Oviedo, Spain, and lives and works in Milan. After her school­ing, she served as assis­tant profes­sor to Achille Castiglioni and Eugenio Bettinelli at the Milan Poly­tech­nic. During this time she also led the product devel­op­ment depart­ment at DePadova, where she designed along­side Vico Magistretti. She opened her own studio in 2001.

In 2015, she was named the art direc­tor of legendary Italian house Cassina, where she has worked to resur­rect the brand’s expan­sive archive and trans­form its flag­ship stores to reflect the more than 90-year-old company’s modern vision. She also produces designs for a wide range of global clients.

Designs by Patricia Urquiola (7)