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MK Super Bowl

by Marcio Kogan

The MK Super Bowl is an example of modern simplic­ity. Designed by Marcio Kogan this deco­ra­tive bowl is an example of his partic­u­lar design aesthetic that reduced design complex­ity, the unadorned shape cele­brates func­tion over every­thing else. As a part of a series of bowl designs, the Super Bowl embraces a simple struc­ture and straight­for­ward func­tion­al­ity. Kogan’s work often exam­ines inter­nal and exter­nal spaces, and the Super Bowl embraces this idea through the juxta­posed mate­ri­als of copper on the inte­rior and Brazil­ian rubber on the exterior surfaces. 

Marcio Kogan


An architect with his roots in film, Marcio Kogan has made a name for himself as a Brazilian designer with a modern aesthetic. In 2011, his body of work was honored by the American Institute of Architects (AIA), and he was given an honorary membership in the organization. His designs play with the simplicity of form, the correlation of volume and the relationship between internal and external spaces. This is evident in his product design as well as his architecture. His design of the Super Bowl is an example of simplicity and a play on materials, with Brazilian rubber paired with copper. Kogan's architectural work includes the B&B House in Sao Paulo and the Redux House in Bragança Paulista, Brazil.