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Model 2050

c. 1963/2021

by Franco Albini & Franca Helg
for Astep

Astep’s re-edition of the iconic Model 2050 suspen­sion light by Franco Albini and Franca Helg signi­fies a contin­ued commit­ment to redis­cov­er­ing the bril­liance of Italian light­ing masters while embrac­ing the pioneer­ing spirit in mate­ri­als research, a senti­ment shared by Albini, Helg, and Sarfatti. In this revival, envi­ron­men­tal sensi­tiv­ity takes center stage through using Green Cast. This mate­r­ial is 100% recy­cled and recy­clable, patented, and crafted in Italy, possess­ing iden­ti­cal prop­er­ties to classic methacry­late. The brushed finish of the Green Cast used for the new 2050 diffuser rein­states a time­less elegance, blend­ing tradi­tion with inno­va­tion. Astep’s re-edition is a testa­ment to honor­ing design lega­cies while pushing the bound­aries of sustainable materials.

Franco Albini & Franca Helg

Franco Albini, a distinguished Italian architect and a key proponent of Rationalism, stands as one of the definitive pioneers of industrial design. His collaborative endeavors with Franca Helg have yielded diverse projects, from large-scale interventions like the layout of Milan Metro line 1 station alongside graphic designer Bob Noorda to urban planning, architectural creations, and museum designs across Italy.

In design, Albini and Helg have etched their names into the annals of time with timeless furnishings and accessories. Their innovative design approach and discerning choice of materials have left an indelible mark on the landscape of design culture, representing an internationally recognized cornerstone of design innovation in the early 20th century. Albini's legacy extends beyond architecture, solidifying his status as a luminary in industrial design.