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Aggebo & Henriksen


Mathilde Aggebo and Julie Henrik­sen are one of Denmark’s most inno­v­a­tive design duos. They have worked together since 1991, exhib­ited at the Char­lot­ten­borg spring and autumn exhi­bi­tions, and received the Danish State Art Foundation’s grant several times. They often use a system­atic method to focus on detail and magnify it many times over. For example, their port­fo­lio includes stage curtains for the Queen’s Hall in Diaman­ten,’ the new annex of The Royal Danish Library in Copen­hagen. While research­ing, they discov­ered some orig­i­nal Hans Chris­t­ian Ander­sen manu­scripts and used printed frag­ments of his hand­writ­ing for the stage curtains, made from Divina fabric by Kvadrat. To Aggebo & Henrik­sen, what matters most is the ability to change percep­tions. Good design, they say, is like an intrigu­ing riddle: It is about being able to see some­thing every day and craft­ing it to become something unique.

Designs by Aggebo & Henriksen (2)