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Akira Minagawa


Japan­ese textile and clothes designer Akira Mina­gawa is known for his minä perho­nen fashion label, a roman­tic and slightly naïve style. The design is detail-oriented and consci­en­tiously worked out.

Mina­gawa wants to create clothes that go beyond the limits of fashion and can retain (and improve) their func­tion­al­ity over the years. It is his idea that clothes should possess a time­less beauty that enables them to live through generations.

Scan­di­na­vian design is very popular in Japan. This enthu­si­asm is also very much in evidence by Minagawa’s fashion collec­tions, where Japan­ese influ­ences blend pret­tily and creatively with those of Scan­di­navia. Thus, Mina­gawa can combine his fasci­na­tion with the North­ern coun­tries with his cultural roots and create the unique personal style that has made his designs so popular in the recent decade.

Designs by Akira Minagawa (2)