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Anne Birgitte Hansen


Anne Birgitte Hansen has vivid memo­ries of growing up on the Danish Island of Born­holm and how, even as a very young girl, she started to take an inter­est in weaving. These stories, memo­ries, and dreams are a signif­i­cant part of her work.

Even while attend­ing the School of Arts, Crafts, and Design in Copen­hagen, she chose to occupy herself with indus­tri­ally oriented design to make a living from her trade. Indus­trial design seemed to offer a safety net, and she had neither the desire nor the nerve only to create unique productions.

Anne Birgitte Hansen’s textile output is wide-ranging – from simple verti­cal lines to organic motifs and from simple, woven uphol­stery to printed motif-laden curtain fabrics.

Designs by Anne Birgitte Hansen (1)