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Bertjan Pot


A Dutch product designer, Bertjan Pot is known for his explo­ration of mate­ri­als and shape. He is best known for his light­ing and furni­ture pieces, he is often creat­ing objects for himself as well as design­ing commis­sioned pieces for various compa­nies and clients. Pot’s signa­ture designs often explore the creation of volume with minimal mate­ri­als. His most well-known pieces include the Random Light, created in 1999, along with the Slim Table that he created for Arco. Based in Rotter­dam, Studio Bertjan Pot begins each project by embrac­ing exper­i­men­ta­tion and revel­ing in the unknown of the final project. Pot has collab­o­rated with various compa­nies includ­ing Arco, Estab­lished & Sons, Feld, Gelder­land, Montis, Moooi, as well as Richard Lampert.

Designs by Bertjan Pot (2)