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BYBORRE is an Amster­dam-based textile inno­va­tion studio founded by Borre Akkers­dijk that works on the fron­tiers of mate­r­ial devel­op­ment, func­tion­al­ity, and aesthet­ics through engineered knits.

Akkers­dijk first became inter­ested in mate­ri­als and textile produc­tion while a student at the Design Academy in Eind­hoven, where he began learn­ing about the differ­ent elements involved in textile produc­tion, from the machines – weaving to knit­ting to circu­lar knit­ting – to the details involved in the supply chain itself, includ­ing the yarn suppli­ers and the factories.

The BYBORRE label is the final step in proving the poten­tial for uniting the manu­fac­tur­ing process under one roof to prevent waste and promote respon­si­ble design. The label serves as a means of high­light­ing what could and should be possi­ble with BYBORRE textiles. It is a play­ground for refin­ing the BYBORRE ideol­ogy – a hub of imag­i­na­tion where all mate­ri­als are build­ing blocks and research and devel­op­ment can be pushed to the final point.

Designs by BYBORRE (1)