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Daniel Costa

Daniel Costa, a Paris-based artist, designer, and artisan, creates works that meld foreign mate­ri­als with his unique vision. A grad­u­ate of The Design Academy Eind­hoven’s Man and Leisure Depart­ment with top honors, Costa is a versa­tile artist focus­ing on ceram­ics and textiles. His initial rug collec­tions were crafted in Nepal and India, where he utilized local fibers to realize his creative concepts. 

Costa’s design ethos often incor­po­rates an organic sensi­bil­ity, seeking inspi­ra­tion from every day and tradi­tional mate­ri­als to create unex­pected and visu­ally strik­ing pieces. His distinc­tive style is exem­pli­fied in designs such as the Fringe rugs by Kvadrat.

Reflect­ing on his creative journey, Costa expresses grat­i­tude for the inspi­ra­tion he found in Nepal, which resonated with the land­scapes of his youth. He spent two immer­sive years devel­op­ing his rugs, artworks, and photographs, explor­ing outwardly and inwardly to deepen his creative explo­ration. This reflec­tive process led him to new artis­tic heights, allow­ing him to merge his artis­tic vision with the rich cultural and mate­r­ial tapes­try of distant lands.

Designs by Daniel Costa (1)