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Kvadrat Febrik textiles play an impor­tant part in commer­cial, public, and domes­tic inte­ri­ors world­wide. Kvadrat works with the world’s most talented design­ers, contin­u­ally pushing bound­aries and explor­ing the possi­bil­i­ties of textile design. Prod­ucts reflect the diverse skills and knowl­edge of these design­ers, who come from the worlds of textiles, product design, fashion, art, and archi­tec­ture. The exten­sive collec­tion contin­u­ously meets the needs of design­ers and archi­tects, adding comfort, warmth, color, and texture to all kinds of public build­ings, office, commer­cial, and home interiors.

Designs by Febrik (4)