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Florian Asche


Florian Asche is a product designer that focuses his work on using high-value mate­ri­als in a mini­mal­ist design. Born in Germany in 1963, Asche started his career as a tailor’s appren­tice in Frank­furt before moving on to study product design at the Central St. Martin’s College of Art and Design in London. In 1995, along with Philipp Mainzer, Asche founded e15 Design. He served as the manag­ing direc­tor, focus­ing on estab­lish­ing the brand, before tran­si­tion­ing to sales. In 2006, he followed his desire to return to creat­ing his own prod­ucts and exited e15. In 2007 he estab­lished Asche + Unkel­bach, a furni­ture design company that part­nered with April Allte­rior furni­ture, where they created modern outdoor furniture.

Designs by Florian Asche (2)