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Frans Dikmeijer

NETHERLANDS (1936 - 2011)

Frans Dikmei­jer studied at the Academy of Indus­trial Design in Eind­hoven, before he began working at Kendix textiles. From there he became Head of Design at Artex before moving onto de Ploeg textiles. By 1992 his rela­tion­ship with Kvadrat had begun and he went on to create a large number of uphol­stery textiles for them. 

Dikmeiger is often referred to as one of Europe’s leading weavers. His work perceives mate­ri­als, colors and textures as an organic whole. It is funda­men­tal for him that there is harmony within the elements. A common char­ac­ter­is­tic of Frans Dikmeijer’s woven textiles is that they radiate a logical simplic­ity despite the tech­ni­cal complex­ity of them.

Designs by Frans Dikmeijer (3)