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Front is a Swedish design group led by Sofia Lagerkvist and Anna Lind­gren. Their work is based on common discus­sions, explo­rations, and exper­i­ments, and they collab­o­rate in all projects, from initial ideas to the final product. Their work often commu­ni­cates a story to the observer about the design process, mate­r­ial, or conven­tions within the design field. They have made a constantly chang­ing inte­rior, created objects with explo­sions, robotic furni­ture, and a range of furni­ture inspired by their fasci­na­tion with magic.

Work from Front forms part of the perma­nent collec­tions of many pres­ti­gious insti­tu­tions such as the MoMA in New York, the Victo­ria & Albert Museum in London, the London Design Museum, Vitra Design Museum Germany, M+ Hong Kong, Rhösska Museet, and the National Museum in Stock­holm. They also collab­o­rate with leading furni­ture brands, includ­ing Vitra, IKEA, Moroso, Moooi, and Kartell.

Designs by Front (1)