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Gino Sarfatti

Italy (1912–1985)

Gino Sarfat­ti’s contri­bu­tions to the field of light­ing design were immense and endur­ing. His ability to merge engi­neer­ing exper­tise with inno­v­a­tive design concepts set a stan­dard for the indus­try. Despite start­ing his career with a back­ground in aero­nau­ti­cal engi­neer­ing, Sarfat­ti’s encounter with light­ing sparked a life­long passion that led to the creation of over 700 luminaires.

Estab­lish­ing Arteluce in 1939, Sarfatti trans­formed the land­scape of light­ing design, bring­ing forward-think­ing ideas and ground­break­ing designs to the fore­front. His explo­ration of new mate­ri­als, tech­nolo­gies, and produc­tion methods ensured that his creations were not only aesthet­i­cally pleas­ing but also func­tional and efficient.

Sarfat­ti’s entre­pre­neur­ial spirit and multi­dis­ci­pli­nary approach allowed him to stay ahead of the curve, constantly pushing bound­aries and redefin­ing what was possi­ble in light­ing design. His legacy lives on through the contin­ued influ­ence of his work and the acqui­si­tion of Arteluce by Flos, ensur­ing that his designs remain acces­si­ble to gener­a­tions of admirers.

Retir­ing to Lake Como in 1973, Sarfatti left behind a rich legacy of inno­va­tion and creativ­ity. His impact on the world of design contin­ues to be felt, cement­ing his status as one of the most signif­i­cant figures in the history of Italian indus­trial design. Gino Sarfat­ti’s vision and inge­nu­ity have left an indeli­ble mark on the world of design, inspir­ing count­less design­ers and illu­mi­nat­ing spaces with his timeless creations.

Designs by Gino Sarfatti (12)