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Hans de Pelsmacker

Born in Ghent, Belgium, Hans de Pels­maker studied sculp­ture at the Hogeschool Saint Lucas in Ghent, where he is teach­ing now. Since 1997, Hans has been making func­tional sculp­tures, furni­ture, light objects, and archi­tec­tural instal­la­tions. In 2000, he estab­lished his first commer­cial coop­er­a­tion with e15 and Target Light­ing. Since 2001, he is the artis­tic direc­tor for Essential.

For e15, he designed the tablebenc TAFEL and the storage units/​shelves KAST EEN, KAST TWEE, and KAST DRIE.

Designs by Hans de Pelsmacker (1)