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Jonas Lutz


Jonas Lutz is a Finnish-born designer who creates objects with bold simplic­ity and implicit play­ful­ness. Lutz’s design studio is located in Rotter­dam, the Nether­lands — where he much of his inspi­ra­tion. His back­ground in design comes from the Carl Malm­sten furni­ture school in Stock­holm, Sweden, and the Design Academy in Eind­hoven, the Nether­lands. A deep under­stand­ing of the inher­ent qual­i­ties of mate­ri­als and the produc­tion process informs Lutz’s design language. In this way, his approach inti­mates the act of a sculp­tor. Objects emerge as elegant solu­tions, project­ing subtlety and strength while invit­ing to touch. Lutz works with manu­fac­tur­ers La Chance, fashion label Isabel Marant, e15, and many more.

Designs by Jonas Lutz (1)