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Jos Klarenbeek

Jos Klaren­beek is an inde­pen­dent designer and researcher known for explor­ing the inter­sec­tion between math­e­mat­ics, science, and design. Through a blend of personal projects and commis­sioned work, he merges the preci­sion of math­e­mat­i­cal think­ing with a focus on mate­ri­als and crafts­man­ship, result­ing in designs that tell intri­cate stories rooted in data.

His inter­dis­ci­pli­nary approach aims to bridge various fields and offer fresh perspec­tives on data visu­al­iza­tion. Recent work has featured textiles and weaving, where woven textiles are concep­tu­al­ized as binary matri­ces composed of ones and zeros.

With degrees in math­e­mat­ics and design from the Univer­sity of Amster­dam and the Design Academy Eind­hoven, Klaren­beek’s prac­tice is built on a solid foun­da­tion. His exper­tise in program­ming, 3D model­ing, tech­ni­cal weaving, and product devel­op­ment informs his work, as does his role as an educa­tor, teach­ing tech­ni­cal jacquard weaving at the Royal Academy of the Arts in The Hague. Recog­nized with awards such as the Dutch Design Award, Klaren­beek’s research has been show­cased in museums and publi­ca­tions, with notable exhi­bi­tions includ­ing Hack the Heritage, Solid Flow, Kadans 2.0, and Fibres Unsorted at Salone del Mobile.

Designs by Jos Klarenbeek (1)