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Karina Nielsen Rios


Karina Nielsen Rios studied refined weaving and textile design at The Danish Design School, the Philadel­phia College of Textiles and Science, and various other colleges.

Her work combines excel­lent aesthetic knowl­edge and crafts­man­ship with an inno­v­a­tive curios­ity about high-tech mate­ri­als and cutting-edge textile product devel­op­ment. She has incor­po­rated mate­ri­als such as stain­less steel, recy­cled plastic, and paper into her weav­ings. Karina Nielsen Rios’ style is sleek and coolly Scan­di­na­vian, with great atten­tion to detail and the tech­ni­cal aspects of weaving (both by hand and as an industrial process).

In 2008 the Karina Nielsen Rios Collec­tion was presented by Kvadrat at the Orgatec Fair in Cologne, Germany. Unusual for a Kvadrat designer, Karina Nielsen Rios has devel­oped a collec­tion where the vari­a­tion lies not in color but in the struc­ture of the yarn and the construc­tion of the weave. When design­ing the collec­tion, Rios focused on how the yarn twisted and the possi­bil­i­ties this created for the weaving process. 

Designs by Karina Nielsen Rios (1)