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Louise Sigvardt


Louise Sigvardt is a co-founder of the acclaimed Bunn Studio, a Copen­hagen-based design studio working across multi­ple disci­plines, includ­ing art direc­tion, furni­ture design, inte­rior design, and indus­trial design. She grad­u­ated from the acclaimed Kolding Design School in Denmark, where she studied fashion design. She real­ized her passion for textiles while research­ing their many areas for appli­ca­tion. Her process begins with a story, a feeling, a place, or a graphic expres­sion. She then evolves and trans­lates these sources of inspi­ra­tion into patterns, colors, and finally, finished designs. In recent years, she has collab­o­rated with inter­na­tional brands such as Kvadrat and cele­brated fashion brands, Ever­lane and Marimekko. Her work has been recog­nized with numer­ous awards and show­cased in leading international magazines.

Designs by Louise Sigvardt (3)