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Margrethe Odgaard


Margrethe Odgaard is a Danish textile and color designer driven by constantly search­ing for a fresh way of explor­ing color and pattern. She works with color as a whole and sensory percep­tion and believes that prod­ucts made to nourish the body and mind will posi­tively impact the viewer. 

A grad­u­ate of the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Design, Margrethe Odgaard also studied at the Rhode Island School of Design in the USA. Before setting up her studio, she worked as a textile designer for several years at the French fashion company EPICE. After this, she worked as a print­ing assis­tant at The Fabric Work­shop and Museum in Philadelphia. 

Odgaard shares her time equally between commer­cial collab­o­ra­tions and an artis­tic prac­tice based on self-initi­ated research. She aims to become more precise about how humans expe­ri­ence and emotion­ally connect with the world around us.

Designs by Margrethe Odgaard (3)