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Nanna Ditzel

DENMARK 1923-2005

Nanna Ditzel is an iconic figure of mid-century Danish design. Like many of her contem­po­raries, she began as a cabi­net­maker. After grad­u­at­ing from the School of Arts and Crafts and The Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Copen­hagen in 1946, Ditzel went on to design time­less pieces of furni­ture, jewelry, and textiles. Her work embraced the latest produc­tion and mate­r­ial inno­va­tions of her time with designed objects which utilize a broad spec­trum of mate­ri­als, includ­ing fiber­glass, wicker, and metal. Ditzel’s work often made use of color and organic forms and is widely cele­brated for its time­less func­tion­al­ity. This quality is never more appar­ent than in her classic textile design Halling­dal 65 for Kvadrat, which has remained in constant produc­tion and wide­spread use since its launch in 1965.

Designs by Nanna Ditzel (2)