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Nicolas Schuybroek


Born in Belgium, Nicolas Schuy­broek is known for his archi­tec­tural style that is described as minimal, warm, and mindful of the small­est detail. Though his studio is based in Brus­sels, Schuy­broek’s archi­tec­tural work is located across the globe. With noted archi­tec­tural projects such as The Robey Hotel in Chicago and Tribu’s offices in Belgium as part of his reper­toire, he expanded his work to home furnish­ings and acces­sories with a part­ner­ship with When Objects Work. In these pieces his adept ability to marry mate­ri­als and atten­tion to detail is evident. His objects often feature natural mate­ri­als, such as marble or granite, with metals such as brass and bronze.

Designs by Nicolas Schuybroek (3)