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Nina Koppel

DENMARK (1942 - 1990)

The textile artist Nina Koppel is best known for her Kvadrat work as the Tonus uphol­stery designer. Nina trained in textiles at the School of Arts and Crafts in Copen­hagen, where she then taught. She liked to exper­i­ment with textiles from her personal work­shop in Katte­sun­det and often worked with other artists who special­ized in cloth­ing, furnish­ings and design. 

As of today, Tonus is a classic and used on many differ­ent furni­ture designs. Since the 1960’s, Tonus has become a signif­i­cant part of Kvadrat’s basic collec­tion. Nina herself chose the color scheme; not only was she a person with an eminent sense of color but she was also a color­ful person. Her choices of pink and orange for Tonus is what attracted the initial attention. 

Nina Koppels design is renowned for bring­ing together simplic­ity and elegance, a quality seen not only in her textiles but also her productions.

Designs by Nina Koppel (1)