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Norway Says


The design group Norway Says is a multi­dis­ci­pli­nary studio produc­ing every­thing from furni­ture designs, textiles, and elec­tron­ics to light­ing and porce­lain. The trio, comprised of design­ers Espen Voll, Andreas Engesvik, and Torb­jörn Ander­ssen opened their design studio in Oslo in 2002. At this time, they gained recog­ni­tion as a leader in a growing move­ment of young Norwe­gian design­ers adopt­ing an inter­na­tional approach. In 2009, the studio split into two differ­ent busi­nesses; Ander­ssen & Voll and Andreas Engesvik, both of whom continue to work with a roster of inter­na­tional clients. They have won several awards, includ­ing The Honors Award for Design Excel­lence from the Norwe­gian Design Council.

Designs by Norway Says (1)