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Peter Saville


Peter Saville grew up in Manches­ter, Lancashire, and received his early educa­tion at St. Ambrose College. In 1965, he attended Manches­ter Poly­tech­nic to study graphic design and remained there till 1978

Peter Saville is deemed one of the gener­a­tion’s most famous British graphic design­ers and art direc­tors. He gained popu­lar­ity by design­ing several record sleeves for Factory Records while serving as art direc­tor of the studios.

Unlike most commer­cial artists’ of the time, and indeed since, Saville was free to create without approval. He made his art in the context of mass produc­tion, access­ing an audi­ence through pop music, best shown in the series of record sleeves he created for Joy Divi­sion and New Order between 1979 and 1993

Through­out the years, Peter Saville produced bril­liant artwork, achiev­ing creative and commercial success. 

Designs by Peter Saville (3)