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Santi Borachia

Carlo Santi and Vitto­rio Borachia, the dynamic archi­tec­tural duo known as Santi Borachia, first crossed paths as students at the Poly­tech­nic School in Milan during the 1940s. Their shared passion for archi­tec­ture and design became the foun­da­tion of a lasting part­ner­ship. One of their signif­i­cant collab­o­ra­tions was with the renowned light­ing company Arteluce. This entity attracted the most talented archi­tects and design­ers of the time, owing to the vision­ary and exper­i­men­tal approach of its founder, Gino Sarfatti.

As their careers progressed, Carlo Santi and Vitto­rio Borachia extended their inter­ests into urban plan­ning. However, the allure of light­ing and furni­ture design contin­ued to beckon, prompt­ing peri­odic collab­o­ra­tions, both as a duo and under their names. Guided by the logical and formal prin­ci­ples inher­ent in the latest indus­trial tech­niques and mate­ri­als, they consis­tently aimed for an essen­tial elegance in their designs, whether working with plastic, wood, or glass. Their legacy reflects a commit­ment to pushing the bound­aries of design while main­tain­ing a time­less and refined aesthetic.

Designs by Santi Borachia (1)