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For almost 200 years, Sahco has defined exquis­ite taste and supe­rior quality in textiles and inte­ri­ors. Founded in 1831 in South­ern Germany, Sahco began as a father-and-son oper­a­tion backed by gener­a­tions of knowl­edge in the textile trade. They grew the company together, special­iz­ing in import­ing fine carpets, silks, and uphol­stery fabrics from both France and the Far East. By the end of the Twen­ti­eth Century, Sahco had world­wide distri­b­u­tion emanat­ing from its new head­quar­ters in Nurem­berg and show­rooms in Paris, London, Milan, and Munich.

In May 2018, Sahco was acquired by Kvadrat, one of the world’s leading design textile compa­nies based in Denmark. As of 2022, Bengt Thorne­fors joined Sahco as Creative Direc­tor, intend­ing to keep Sahco at the fore­front of the indus­try, setting new stan­dards and defin­ing an inte­rior land­scape of rich textures and strik­ing design. The Sahco Maison contin­ues to grow by honor­ing the company legacy while filter­ing the brand’s distinc­tive aesthetic with a modern perspec­tive. Their collec­tions result from exper­i­men­ta­tion with contrasts, always finding beauty in balance. Each textile is unique but retains a time­less appeal and refined taste, char­ac­ter­is­tic of the Sahco brand.

Designs by Sahco (43)