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KFM Soft Vase

by Kristine Five Melvaer

The KFM Soft Vase series juxta­poses the hard­ened mate­r­ial of glass with a soft, cylin­dri­cal shape. Designer Kris­tine Five Melvær has created an object for multi-direc­tional use, allow­ing the user to invert the vase to hold a single stem (we recom­mend anthurium), or an entire bouquet (think a beau­ti­ful bunch of dried pampas grass). The vessel’s fluid form and layered trans­par­ent glass make the design unde­ni­ably gorgeous. Avail­able in three sizes, and an assort­ment of colors.

Kristine Five Melvaer


A native of Oslo, Norway, Kristine Five Melvaer is an award-winning home accessories designer. Her work in furniture, textiles, lighting, tableware and vessels is rooted in the communication between the user and the object, as well as the emotional bond that people form with objects they admire. Considering Five Melvaer's noted partnerships with various companies, such as Magnor Glassverk, When Objects Work, Roros Tweed, Heymat, and Vestre, it's clear her designs transcend a single product type. Her work has a distinct simplicity and often embraces a sensual form. Her designs for glasswork are some of the standout pieces in her repertoire. Her vase collection with Magnor Glassverk was presented with the Riedel Award in 2014.