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Kristine Five Melvaer


A native of Oslo, Norway, Kris­tine Five Melvaer is an award-winning home acces­sories designer. Her work in furni­ture, textiles, light­ing, table­ware and vessels is rooted in the commu­ni­ca­tion between the user and the object, as well as the emotional bond that people form with objects they admire. Consid­er­ing Five Melvaer’s noted part­ner­ships with various compa­nies, such as Magnor Glassverk, When Objects Work, Roros Tweed, Heymat, and Vestre, it’s clear her designs tran­scend a single product type. Her work has a distinct simplic­ity and often embraces a sensual form. Her designs for glass­work are some of the stand­out pieces in her reper­toire. Her vase collec­tion with Magnor Glassverk was presented with the Riedel Award in 2014.

Designs by Kristine Five Melvaer (2)