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PP135 Hammock Chair

c. 1967

by Hans J. Wegner
for PP Møbler

The Hammock Chair, designed by Hans Wegner for PP Mobler, is not just a chair; it’s a remark­able sculp­ture crafted to offer a tangi­ble and unpar­al­leled relax­ing expe­ri­ence. Wegn­er’s bold design, char­ac­ter­ized by beau­ti­ful curves, sturdy molded wood construc­tion, and an elegant flag line pattern, elevates this chair into one of Wegn­er’s unique creations.

The concept behind the Hammock Chair is rooted in stretch­ing out a flex­i­ble surface of flag line strings within a wooden frame, creat­ing the semblance of a hammock in a reclin­ing chair. Wegn­er’s inge­nu­ity is evident in the balance between the beau­ti­ful curves and the robust construc­tion, result­ing in a visu­ally strik­ing and functional design.

The Hammock Chair embod­ies Wegn­er’s commit­ment to crafts­man­ship and repre­sents his ability to reimag­ine and rede­fine relax­ation in the form of a sculptural masterpiece. 

Hans J. Wegner

Denmark (1914–2007)

If Danish modernism is best known and beloved for the use of traditional techniques to emphasize materiality—graceful curves honoring the grain of fine walnut, for example—that’s thanks in large part to Hans J. Wegner. Born in southern Denmark, at 14 Wegner began an apprenticeship with Danish master cabinetmaker H. F. Stahlberg, where he honed a preternatural talent and learned skills he’d bring to bear throughout a career lasting some eighty years and full of design masterpieces.

While studying at the School of Arts and Crafts in Copenhagen, Wegner worked for Arne Jacobsen and Erik Møller on a range of furniture for the Aarhus City Hall. Four years after graduation, he had showcased a chair at the Copenhagen Museum of Art and Industry, and opened his own firm. Sculptural, surprisingly comfortable seating became Wegner’s trademark: for Fritz Hansen, the floating Chinese chairs; for Carl Hansen & Sons, he designed the instant classic Wishbone, Shell, and Elbow chairs; for PP Møbler, the cozy Papa Bear, iconic Round, and buoyant Circle chairs; and countless others, most still in production.

Wegner retired in 1993 and died fourteen years later, but his work lives on in its ubiquity across residential, hospitality, and corporate design—not to mention the Museum Sønderjylland’s permanent exhibition of the three dozen chairs he felt were his very best in a water tour in his hometown of Tønder.