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PP Møbler

Denmark (1953)

In 1953, broth­ers Ejnar and Lars Peder Peder­sen estab­lished their own work­shop with a team of eight cabinet makers on a plot of land in Allerøod, Denmark. Since then, PP Møbler has become synony­mous with fine Danish design, expand­ing the world’s tech­ni­cal and aesthetic under­stand­ing of what wood can do. As a testa­ment to their talent, within five years the work­shop was manu­fac­tur­ing master­pieces by famed archi­tect Hans J. Wegner, includ­ing his cozy wing­back PP19 Papa Bear Chair.

Over the next few decades, the work­shop would remain family-run while collab­o­rat­ing with Wegner on new clas­sics like 1986’s Circle Chair. In the late 1970s, they joined with another Danish genius, Poul Kjaer­holm, to conceive acousti­cally-sensi­tive concert hall chairs for the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Denmark. By the turn of the century, PP Møbler had worked with a host of inter­na­tional design­ers, includ­ing Nanna Ditzel for the block­buster Trinidad Chair, and the tubular VIPP chair by Verner Panton — all while retain­ing its signa­ture Danish char­ac­ter of restraint and respect for the materials.

Designs by PP Møbler (37)