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Andille Dyalvane

Andile Dyal­vane, a promi­nent ceramic artist from South Africa, expresses his deep spir­i­tual connec­tion to his Xhosa ances­tors through his intri­cate and large-scale ceramic artworks. Born in Ngob­ozana, a small village in the Eastern Cape, Dyal­vane’s upbring­ing as a farmer instilled in him a profound bond with the land and Xhosa culture, which he beau­ti­fully conveys in his creations. Clay, or umhlaba” (mother earth), serves as a life-affirm­ing connec­tion to the soil and a medium for story­telling, bridg­ing his past, present, and future.

Having completed his art and design educa­tion, includ­ing a ceramic design diploma, Dyal­vane co-founded Imiso Ceram­ics in 2005 along­side Zizipho Poswa. The studio gained inter­na­tional recog­ni­tion for its hand­made table­ware and vessels. Influ­enced by the ancient African tradi­tion of body scar­i­fi­ca­tion, Dyal­vane devel­oped a unique language of inci­sion marks, which contin­ues to inspire his collectible work for the South­ern Guild. He explores more complex ideas with South­ern Guild, focus­ing on sculp­tural and monu­men­tal qual­i­ties, creat­ing a distinct space for his artistic expression.

Designs by Andille Dyalvane (1)