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Indigenus Planters

Indi­genus planters, founded in 2014, is the brain­child of Cape Town local Peter van der Post. At the begin­ning of his career, while working in roto-molding, Peter noticed a need for high-design planters in the market, and the vision to produce the most beau­ti­ful, orig­i­nal, and desir­able planters began to grow. Over the past 8 years, the Indi­genus team has collab­o­rated with South Africa’s top design­ers to create planters that are art pieces in their own right. 

In line with their sustain­abil­ity and quality luxury objec­tives, they constantly strive to make planters for life and not just for a few seasons. It has taken years of refine­ment, many valu­able lessons learned, and, ulti­mately, setting up their world-class factory for in-house manu­fac­tur­ing to ensure that the planters are of the highest quality. All mate­ri­als are sustain­ably sourced, and the planters are made by hand. It is this crafts­man­ship that puts Indi­genus in a league of its own.

Indi­genus is focused on collab­o­ra­tion with the world’s top design­ers and artists. They are commit­ted to constant refine­ment and a will­ing­ness to be coura­geous, curious, and exper­i­men­tal with natural mate­ri­als and new designs. Indi­genus is proud of its roots as an African luxury brand with a global footprint.

Designs by Indigenus Planters (7)