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Haldane Martin

Haldane Martin, the direc­tor and designer behind the brand Haldane is glob­ally recog­nized for his work that exudes a strong sense of iden­tity. His earlier contri­bu­tions hail their signif­i­cant role in shaping a distinc­tive South African design language.

Currently focused on design­ing premium outdoor furni­ture in Cape Town, Haldane Martin merges his passion for design with his love for the outdoors. He aims to provide clients with authen­tic self-expres­sion and a lasting connec­tion with nature, offer­ing beauty and comfort. As a prolific indus­trial designer special­iz­ing in furni­ture and inte­rior design, Haldane believes iconic design should encom­pass inno­va­tion, beauty, rele­vance, and timelessness.

Haldane inte­grates indige­nous craft, bio-mimicry, sustain­able produc­tion, modern tech­nol­ogy, and digital design in his award-winning creations. His port­fo­lio includes renowned pieces such as the Zulu Mama chair and inte­ri­ors for the acclaimed Truth Coffee, voted the Best Coffee Shop in the World by MSN Travel.

Designs by Haldane Martin (1)