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SAOTA is a leading archi­tec­tural firm driven by a dynamic team of Stefan Antoni and Greg Truen along­side Philip Olmes­dahl, Phillippe Fouché, Mark Bulli­vant, Roxanne Kaye, and Logen Gordon. Their shared vision sets them apart, and their inno­v­a­tive and dedi­cated approach to design, docu­men­ta­tion, and project execu­tion has made them a highly sought-after brand worldwide.

With projects span­ning six conti­nents, SAOTA has estab­lished a global pres­ence and a deep under­stand­ing of design’s role in diverse markets. Their design philos­o­phy empha­sizes the connec­tion between func­tion and form, pursu­ing authen­tic archi­tec­tural design to create solu­tions that deliver maximum value. This philos­o­phy has earned them invi­ta­tions to pres­ti­gious projects around the globe.

SAOTA’s success stems from a spirit of inquiry that perme­ates its staff, guiding the firm and solid­i­fy­ing its posi­tion as a defin­i­tive designer in a compet­i­tive and rapidly evolv­ing indus­try. Expo­sure to the global market­place fuels their inspi­ra­tion, evident in their approach to design, which radi­ates infinite creativity.

The firm strongly empha­sizes utiliz­ing cutting-edge computer tech­nol­ogy in its design process, employ­ing tools like Revit and devel­op­ing virtual reality tools to under­stand and effec­tively commu­ni­cate designs to clients. This commit­ment to inno­va­tion keeps SAOTA at the fore­front of architectural practice.

Designs by SAOTA (1)