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Sebastian Herkner


Sebas­t­ian Herkner grad­u­ated from the Univer­sity of Art and Design in Offen­bach. Since opening his own studio in 2006, he contin­ues to explore unique possi­bil­i­ties with color, natural mate­ri­als, and textural effects. Bring­ing authen­tic artisan crafts into a contemporary context.

The Tricol­ore Vases for &tradition are a fantas­tic fusion of color, inge­nu­ity, and arti­sanry. Each set is comprised of two cylin­dri­cal glass vases of differ­ent heights, each in a differ­ent color. Pair them together and you have a third color – hence the name.

Designs by Sebastian Herkner (1)