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Lori Weirzner


Lori Weirzner is an inter­na­tion­ally renowned designer of wall­cov­er­ings, textiles, and prod­ucts. She grad­u­ated from Syra­cuse Univer­sity and embarked on a world­wide journey to seek out mate­ri­als, inspi­ra­tion, tech­niques, and arti­sans to create prod­ucts that blend tradi­tion with cutting-edge design. Her work show­cases a sophis­ti­cated color sense and signa­ture aesthetic, earning her over thirty design awards, includ­ing a Chrysler Inno­va­tion Award nomination.

As the first Amer­i­can woman to design for the pres­ti­gious German textile manu­fac­turer Sahco in 2000, Lori has solid­i­fied her place in the design world. In 2004, she founded Weitzner Limited, an inter­na­tion­ally recog­nized brand that combines modern tech­niques with uncon­ven­tional mate­ri­als. Lori is the VP of Weitzner Limited, as well as the founder and Creative Direc­tor of Lori Weitzner Design, Inc., a studio based in New York.

Lori’s inno­v­a­tive design tech­niques and use of beau­ti­ful, sustain­able mate­ri­als have earned her numer­ous awards, and exam­ples of her work are housed in the perma­nent collec­tions of esteemed museums, includ­ing the Musee des Arts Deco­rat­ifs in Montréal, the Victo­ria and Albert Museum in London, and the Cooper Hewitt Museum in New York City.

Beyond her design work, Lori shares her unique perspec­tive and insights with others, contribut­ing to the design world in mean­ing­ful ways. In 2019, she published Ode to Color: The Ten Essen­tial Palettes of Living and Design, show­cas­ing her creative concepts. She also trans­lated these ideas into an immer­sive exhi­bi­tion at the Venice Benielale in 2022, further solid­i­fy­ing her repu­ta­tion as a thought leader in the industry.

Designs by Lori Weirzner (1)